
GrantXpert Consulting
Nicosia, Cyprus
GrantXpert Consulting Ltd has cumulative expertise of more than 30 years in consulting services for the utilisation of funding programmes and in-depth expertise in supporting young people and job seekers in the development of their new business ideas and the enhancement of their employability and digital skills.

European University Cyprus
Nicosia, Cyprus
EUC brings academic expertise in cybersecurity, AI, data science, cloud and software/ programming and 3D printing, from the Computer Science and Medical and Biological Schools, already delivering courses to university students and job seekers focusing on digital skills. EUC is operating the Start-up Centre powered by Microsoft.

Stackfuel GmBH
Berlin, Germany
StackFuel is one of Germany‘s leading providers of digital education programs in data & AI literacy, data analytics & data science, artificial intelligence, and programming for individuals and corporations.

D. Kyriakatis - E. Vafeiadis O.E.
Athens, Greece
Workearly is the Top Remote Learning Hub for students and young professionals, offering remote schools with asynchronous self-paced training.

JOIST Innovation Park
Larissa, Greece
JOIST is a phygital ecosystem that boosts innovation and knowledge transfer in the fields of entrepreneurship, technology, science, art, and design.

Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci
Palermo, Italy
CSC Danilo Dolci is a non-profit organization located in Palermo, Italy, founded by Danilo Dolci, a social activist, sociologist, pacifist and educator. CSC works mainly in the educational sector and has several collaborations with schools, university, institutions, associations and social groups, both at local and international level, focusing on three main areas: community empowerment, dialogue and education.

Prizztech Ltd
Pori, Finland
Prizztech Ltd provides services for the whole range of business operations – from the initial idea to starting the business - and onwards to its growth and internationalization.

Nicosia Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Nicosia, Cyprus
NCCI is an organization which represents and promotes the interest of entreprises in Nicosia city and district.

Cyprus Information Technology Enterprises Association
Nicosia, Cyprus

Association of Thessalian Enterprises and Industries
Larissa, Greece
STHEV is the heart of the economic activity and business world in Thessaly and it also represents an established social partner, that resolutely contributes to the creation of favorable conditions which enhance business activities and all economic development in general.

Hellenic Digital Health Cluster
Athens, Greece
The Hellenic Digital Health Cluster (HDHC) is the first private organization focusing on the exploitation of digital health innovations in Greece. It was founded in March 2021 in Athens. It is the dynamic initiative of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH), the largest research centre in Greece, and includes 28 innovative and dynamic companies of the digital health ecosystem in Greece and internationally.

ICT Association of Hungary
Budapest, Hungary
IVSZ is the joint platform of the information technology, telecommunications and electronics sectors in Hungary, the body representing sectorial and societal interests and issues above the direct business interests. It is a compass, a knowledge base and a communication organisation to support business and policy decision makers and to improve the recognition of the ICT sector.

Regionalna Izba Gospodarcza Pomorza
Gdansk, Poland
The Regional Pomeranian Chamber of Commerce was established to combine the business opportunities of the region with the needs of the market. We are a partner in building strong enterprises, active self-government and science cooperation with business.
Associated Partner

Berlin Partner of Economics and Technology GmbH
Berlin, Germany