LEVEraging knowLedge
of training providers in UPskilling and reskilling of SMEs’ managers and employees towards empowering their digital transformation
Target Group
Primary target group
- Business’ leaders or managers with a special focus on SMEs.
- SME employees.
- Job seekers from all labour market and industrial sectors, who are interested in upskilling and reskilling in key capacity areas in terms of digital skills, namely, Data, AI, Cybersecurity, IoT, Cloud and Software/ Programming and 3D printing.
Most of the training courses will be applicable to all sectors and professions, but certain courses will be dedicated to specific sectors, such as the healthcare, Agrotech, Finance and ICT.
Secondary target group
- Other business associations and networks as well as HR managers associations.
- Other training providers, especially those delivering courses in digital technologies, VET organisations, VET trainers and professional consultants, coaches, and mentors.
- HEIs at a national and European level.
- Local authorities, such as representatives of Ministries of Innovation, Digital Transformation, Education, Commerce and Industry and Research, as well as policymakers at national and European level.
Relevant EU networks or initiatives, such as the Cyprus Computer Society, Berlin Partner and other networks bringing together national and European local authority representatives, businesses, trainers and other experts. - Synergies with the activities carried out by Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) will be encouraged and promoted.

Project Description
Level Up aims to empower the labor force of European SMEs in digital competencies, through the development and provision of short-term and industry-oriented training courses targeting SMEs and job seekers, focusing on the following key capacity areas:
Cybersecurity, Data Literacy, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, microelectronics / microcontrollers, Internet of Things, 3D printing and 3D modelling, cloud and programming.
Level Up aims to empower the labour force of European SMEs in digital competencies, through the development and provision of short-term training courses focusing on the following key capacity areas:
- Cybersecurity
- Data Analytics
- Cloud & programming
- Internet of Things
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data Literacy
- Microelectronics / Microcontrollers
- 3D printing & 3D modelling
The specific objectives of Level Up are the following.
Cooperate transnationally for exchange of knowledge and expertise of training providers towards the creation of impactful training courses.
Create a new poll of training courses on the basis of the expertise knowledge and experience of the consortium training providers and account on the actual needs of the labour workforce.
Promote the digital transformation of SMEs, including leaders, managers, employees and job seekers, in six main key capacity areas: Data analytics, AI, Cybersecurity, IoT, Cloud, 3D printing.
Engage a large number
of European SMEs and thousands of SME employees through our online and hybrid training courses.
Dissemination of Level Up and its training courses to the EU.
Level Up will be developing industry-oriented and cutting-edge training courses for SMEs, business leaders, managers, employees, and job seekers, for the upskilling and reskilling in key capacity areas as mentioned above.
The design, development and delivery of the training courses will enhance current efforts for upskilling and reskilling of the labour force, with a particular focus on SMEs owners, managers, and employees.

More specifically, the benefits foreseen for the Level Up target groups following their successful completion of Level training courses include:
1Advancement of digital skills for more than 15,000 people across Europe, in key capacity areas, such as Data analytics, Cybersecurity, AI, IoT and 3D printing and modelling, Cloud.
2Contributing to the digital transformation of more than 3000 SMEs across Europe.
3Involvement in real-world and industry-oriented hands-on activities, case studies and scenarios.
4Understanding the industry’s current trends and developments, including digital transformation, big data, data science, artificial intelligence, IoT, cybersecurity etc.
5Gaining access to experts, consultants, and mentors, from across Europe and utilising their know-how and industry expertise through the development of relevant courses.